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The Power of Direct Mail Marketing Boxes in the Digital Age

Written by Nate Bailey | Apr 17, 2023 6:50:00 PM

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to assume that direct mail marketing has become outdated and ineffective. After all, with the rise and convenience of email, social media, and other digital marketing channels, why bother with physical mail?

However, despite the prevalence of digital marketing, direct mail marketing boxes are making a comeback. In fact, many businesses are finding that they are more effective than ever before.  Let’s explore why direct mail marketing boxes are making a comeback in the digital age.

Tangible and Memorable

One of the main reasons why direct mail marketing boxes are effective is that they are tangible and memorable. Unlike digital marketing, which can be easily scrolled through or deleted, a physical piece of mail is something that people can hold in their hands and interact with. This makes it more likely that they will remember your brand and message.

Additionally, direct mail marketing boxes can be designed to be visually striking and engaging. By using creative packaging, bold colors, and eye-catching graphics, you can create a memorable experience for your audience that stands out from the sea of digital marketing messages they receive every day.

Personalized and Targeted

Another reason why direct mail marketing boxes are effective is that they can be personalized and targeted. With digital marketing, it’s easy to send the same message to a large audience, regardless of their individual needs or interests. However, with direct mail marketing boxes, you can tailor your message and offer to specific individuals or groups.

For example, you could create a direct mail marketing box that is customized based on the recipient’s job type, personal interests, or a targeted concept you want them to know about your products and services. This makes it more likely that they will engage with your message and take action.

Builds Trust

In an age where people are becoming increasingly wary of online scams and phishing attempts, direct mail marketing boxes can help build trust with your audience. Unlike spamming a bunch of people’s phones with targeted digital ads, direct mail is more personal.  By sending a physical piece of mail, you are demonstrating that you truly care about them.  It shows you spent time thinking about them, tracking down the address, and specifically including them. This can help establish credibility and trust with your audience, making them more likely to do business with you.

Ideation has done a lot of direct mail packages, especially from the time the pandemic started through today.  We recently did a box for a large enterprise telecommunications company that has gotten incredible ROI for them.  Not only are they getting a lot of ROI out of it, but the recipients (who are other large enterprises and globally recognized brands) are contacting our client and asking about us so they can do something similar.  We don’t say that to brag, although we love to hear that but to show how effective and impactful a well-done direct marketing mail package can be.