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5 Ideas to Rock Trade Show Engagement

Written by Stacy Garrett | Jun 21, 2024 7:00:00 PM

Trade shows and events can be a goldmine for lead generation and brand awareness. But with so much competition vying for attendee attention, how do you make your booth stand out from the sea of tablecloths and brochures? Here at Ideation, we believe ditching the "adult trick-or-treating" approach is key. Here are 5 ideas to transform your booth into an engagement magnet:

1. Ditch the Adult Trick-or-treating, Spark Interaction 

Forget the standard table set-up. Imagine attendees walking by, bombarded with free pens and stress balls. (We call this adult trick-or-treating, because let's be honest, how much engagement does it really spark?) Instead, design your booth to encourage interaction. This doesn't require a complete overhaul; it just needs to be a conscious decision to not just have a pile of giveaways for people to grab and go.

2. Interactive Activities: Make it Specific! 

While a bowl of candy might attract a crowd, it won't necessarily attract qualified leads. (Think about it – how many times have you gotten a business card because of a free lollipop?) Instead, incorporate interactive activities that resonate with your target audience and showcase your brand's value proposition. This could be anything from a product demo to a trivia contest related to your industry. A putting green with your logo on the balls? Sure, why not! We even had a client have a branded claw machine to grab merch as a way to interact.

3. The Power of Flow: An Open Invitation

Many event spaces provide 10x10 booths. But all too often, companies box themselves in with a large table, creating a physical barrier and a less welcoming atmosphere. (Think about it – would you rather chat with someone across a table, or have a friendly conversation face-to-face?) By rearranging your booth layout, perhaps placing the table to the side or back, you open up the space and create a more inviting environment for interaction.

4. Swag with Substance: Beyond the Lighted Bouncy Ball

Great swag can be a powerful engagement tool, but it doesn't have to break the bank. (Sure, a flashing bouncy ball might grab attention, but will it end up in a kid's toy box, or on your target customer's desk?) The key is to offer items that are both useful and relevant to your audience. One size swag item doesn’t fit all companies or audiences. Ideation can help you find the perfect swag for your next event. (Yes, you can still make it cool! A sleek power bank with your logo can be both functional and eye-catching.)

5. Fun is a Universal Language

Every company has its own personality, and your trade show booth should reflect that. (Even the most conservative company can incorporate a fun element!) Imagine a spinning prize wheel – it's a classic for a reason! People love the chance to win something, and it creates a lighthearted atmosphere. (We recently had an event where attendees posed for photos as rock stars in a band – after all, we make our clients look like rock stars!) Think about what aligns with your brand and use that to create a fun and memorable experience for attendees.

By implementing these simple ideas, you can transform your trade show booth from a passive brochure stand into an interactive hub that fosters engagement and generates valuable leads. Remember, it's about creating a welcoming space that sparks conversation and allows you to showcase your brand's unique value. So, ditch the "adult trick-or-treating" and get ready to rock your next event!